The Village of Distant Island
105 Distant Island Drive
Beaufort, SC 29907
Contact: Jim Ware
About Us
Distant Island has been in the Trask family since 1946. Originally purchased by them immediately after World War II for its farming value, Distant Island produced lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes, and then pine trees.
In 1975 Robert Marvin, one of America’s foremost landscape architects, was commissioned to create a residential plan that is timeless in its elegant simplicity following Distant Island's unique shape. George Trask was placed in charge by his parents, John and Flora Trask, to develop the island as a residential community. Later modifications by him with the help of his son Christian resulted in creation of Meeting Street, the Village Green, the Waterfront Stroll, as well as other features to reflect the planning concepts of historic Beaufort.
George's grandchildren still ride bicycles on the streets that Mr. Marvin conceived almost 50 years ago. More than one hundred other families now also call the Village of Distant Island home.